2/23/06 Topic
Today's Topic is:
Favorite superhero.
With the stupid tatoo on my arm, my favorite is Green Lantern. Who is yours? Some will probably like the anti-matter robots which are a close second..
Favorite superhero.
With the stupid tatoo on my arm, my favorite is Green Lantern. Who is yours? Some will probably like the anti-matter robots which are a close second..
I would consider myself to be normal and as such don't have a favorite superhero. Unless of course you count ReverseMan (the superhero of bad grammer and mis-spelling) to be a superhero. World famous - YES, superhero - I guess the jury is still out.
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Sorry Reverse, I had to delete that comment..g
NO brainer for me - Batman. And over the past few months Ive really been diving in the stories. I just finsihed up Crisis on Infinite Worlds (Anti-Monitor!), so I've got a good grip on the insane DC world.
Currently my favorite hero would have to be the Golden Age Superman; Truth, Justice and the American way.
My close 2nd would be the Marvel Ultimate version of Captain America.
Austin Powers, without a doubt.
My favorite is probably an enemy of several people here... his name is Reality.
Slab you surprise me, I thought Hitler would be your favorite superhero..
He did do some good things, but he was a mere human.
What powerz does this Reality have?? I think you are making it up. There is no Reality. It's all relative anyway.
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