2/13/06 Topic
SNOW, why do people drive like 10 miles an hour when the road has no snow on it? How fast do you drive in an area that has 40 MPH speed limit and there is NO snow on the pavement?? More than 10?? Why do you think people go so slow?? Hear about Chaney shooting someone? Too bad he wasn't hunting with "W"...
SNOW, why do people drive like 10 miles an hour when the road has no snow on it? How fast do you drive in an area that has 40 MPH speed limit and there is NO snow on the pavement?? More than 10?? Why do you think people go so slow?? Hear about Chaney shooting someone? Too bad he wasn't hunting with "W"...
1) Cheney shooting someone, funny as sh*t, unless you are the guy that got shot.
2) Driving slow in the snow (or lack there of) very annoying. Equally annoying, assholes in SUVs who drive 50+ MPH when there is snow. 4 wheel drive only gives you traction to go... doesn't help so much when you have to stop.
3) J/O's who drive 50 MPH in the fast lane of the PA turnpike, when there is NO snow, NO ice, NO nothing; And then JAM on their brakes and flip you off, because you are driving with the flow of traffic. I say they should go back to India where they probably don't even have a car to drive. Or learn how retards should stick to the slow lane.
I drive slow as fuck since I CAN"T drive fast. People need to understand that some cars don't handle well at all in slippery conditions. Have some patience. I can't tell you how pissed I get when the fucking BMW SUV decides to tailgate me. Pass me, fine no problem. I'll go as fast as my car allows. If I ever get rear ended by one of these asses, I have a feeling I won't be very civil.
But when it's dry and sunny out, it's one of my favorite pastimes to blow the doors off of the slow-ass gas-guzzling fucking tanks on a highway. It's my way of saying FUCK YOU for all the shit I get when there is snow on the ground.
Cheney - We never hear shit about this fuckface. The one time he makes the news is when he's out with his good'ol boys and an accident happens. How about doing something for your country? (I wanted to make a suicide comment but a public threat against said asshole ain't smart)
/rant off
Zanny + dukey I agree with you guys how some asshole speed around and are dangerous, but what I am talking about is clear pavement going like 10.. If there is a little snow on the ground I understand, but clear pavement... I hate the people that overdo shit...
You overdue sh*t all the time Johnny. =) But yea those slow F's are annoying.
Yeah, agreed. most of the roads are fine, just wet now. 'Cept near where I live, it's sloppy as shit, and the parking lot is all iced up. I in fact, have a phone pic that I was going to post on my own blog.
Long live Bush & Cheney
May schleaf get tossed in an oven along with Kerry.
I'm just surprised Cheney was hunting quail, that I would have expected out of Kerry... I would have envisioned Cheney out there hunting wild boar or something.
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