2/21/06 Topic
Today like every Tuesday is guest Post day, with your host:
Today's topic from him is:
People who don't wash their hands when they are finished using the bathroom. What the F is wrong with these people? How come they are too damn lazy to wash their hands, is it too much to ask to use a little soap and water? And the rinsers... what exactly do they think a little water is doing? Its not cleaning anything. If they like getting their hands wet they might as well 1) go the whole way and use soap or 2) just piss all over their hands. Dirtballs.
Today's topic from him is:
People who don't wash their hands when they are finished using the bathroom. What the F is wrong with these people? How come they are too damn lazy to wash their hands, is it too much to ask to use a little soap and water? And the rinsers... what exactly do they think a little water is doing? Its not cleaning anything. If they like getting their hands wet they might as well 1) go the whole way and use soap or 2) just piss all over their hands. Dirtballs.
I agree.. Sometime's people here won't wash, like the guy that's in charge on our department, he just scurries out. People don't understand once you enter the bathroom you are entering into a contract that you must wash your hands.. A very important contract...
I can't believe the non-washers aren't coming out of the woodwork to defend themselves. You know who you are, and we do too! You think we washers don't pay attention, why do you think we won't shake your dirty hands? Say something for yourselves you pathetic piss-handed, sh*t-handed fiends!
I like the one scene in the Don King movie that HBO did. Don goes into the bathroom, washes his hands first, and then pees. Somebody asked him what the deal was, and he said "I wash my hands before I touch my dick." I don't know why I found that funny, but I did.
I've seen people that do the before and after as well. Which is better then the other options.
Good point on the only hands you can worry about is your own, only oral-fecal contamination is how people get sick the most...
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